Today, President Biden has issued a Presidential Proclamation that lifts two nationality-based travel bans issued by the Trump administration.
Firstly, the nationals of Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen will no longer be subject to the restrictions on nonimmigrant and/or immigrant visa issuance imposed by the 2017 Trump administration travel ban.
Secondly, the nationals of Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania will no longer be subject to the immigrant visa restrictions under the January 2020 Trump Administration presidential proclamation.
Biden's Order stated - "Where there are opportunities to strengthen information-sharing with partners, we will pursue them. And when visa applicants request entry to the United States, we will apply a rigorous, individualized vetting system. But we will not turn our backs on our values with discriminatory bans on entry into the United States."
The State Department is charged with creating a plan for immigrant visas denied under the ban to be reconsidered, and to ensure that no visa applicants are prejudiced by prior denials under the bans if they re-apply for a visa.
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